Demonstrator: Michelle King Title: Four Seasons

Our members were treated to a very creative demonstration by Michelle King whose designs were inspired by the 'Four Seasons'.

Her Autumn arrangement was made from dried flowers and plant material to give texture and contrasting form.  For winter, Michelle, made a pot-et-fleur, literally translated as pot and flower which was very popular during the Victorian times.  The arrangement featured live plants and cut florals inserted in orchid tubes which were planted in to the compost.  Spring always conjurers the thought of beautiful, colourful tulips.  Fortunately, Michelle has a very good wholesaler who supplied her with bunches of multicoloured tulips, and was able to make three different designs.  Summer was a stunning showstopper.  A loose and free flowing design, inspired by Constance Spry, containing various shiny green foliage and beautiful pink tinted roses and carnations.

In all her designs she used sustainable, reusable containers, decorated with wool and weighted with stones.  Except for the Autumn design, Michelle did not use floral foam, using instead clear pot tape in a criss-cross pattern on top of the containers.  We were all amazed how much floral material she managed to insert into a large yoghurt container for her Summer show piece!

Our next virtual club meeting is booked for Thursday 19th August starting at 7.45pm and is a Floral Demonstration by Sandie Draper entitled 'Inspired by Nature'.  Guests are very welcome for a fee of £3.00 and if  you would like to join us for this virtual talk, please contact via email: