Wessex and Jersey Virtual Area Show - Autumn Glory 2020

After the success of the Area Summer Virtual Show it was decided to invite members to enter an Autumn Virtual Show entitled: Autumn Glory.

Once again, Lynn Mackenzie, was the Show Leader and organised a new team to assist her with setting the titles of the classes which were as follows:

  1. Berried Beauty
  2. Fabulous Fall
  3. Fascinating Foliage
  4. From a different angle
  5. Vintage Glamour - a still life
  6. Jewels of Autumn

Again members could do as many designs as they wished as this was not being held as a competition, normal rules did not apply.  The competition went live on 11th September and the first entry was received at 8.56am with entries continuing to be received thick and fast for the next two weeks.  Lynn and her team were astounded with the massive response from members as they received, in total, 164 entries exceeding the Summer Virtual Show, Lynn said: 'Another fantastic response from our lovely members with brilliant designs, rich in colour, laced in berries, with fabulous flowers and foliage'.

If you would like to view all of the designs, please use the following link to the Area website: https://nafaswessexandjersey.wixsite.com/virtual-area-show-au

A member of our Club sent an entry to the Autumn Virtual Show and their arrangement can be seen below:

Class 5 - Vintage Glamour

If you would like to take part in the next Area Virtual Show, they are planning a Winter Show which will be launched in January 2021; this will incorporate 3 floral classes and 3 photographic classes.  Further details will be found on the NAFAS Wessex and Jersey Area website and also in our newsletter, in due course.